Meet the Team

We’re a team of Dots and we’re always connecting our talents together. We believe in the value of teamwork and collaboration and put it at the core of what we do.

Chris Dippell | Chief of Strategy Mostly fueled by espresso

Chris is our head digital strategist. He loves talking ideas and coming up with innovative ways to approach all things digital. You’ll find him talking to clients and making moves to help them reach their business objectives. He’s always thinking about the next big thing and can’t wait to help projects come to life, one espresso at a time. Just ask him how many espresso cups are on his desk right now.

Darko Brdjanin | Creative Director A creative mind with European flare

Darko is our Creative Director. He loves getting to the core of what our clients are trying to achieve. He always enjoys taking a deep dive into creative projects. Throughout his career, Darko’s worked with companies in Europe and North America to create visual masterpieces. He’s not afraid to push back and challenges people to think outside the box. If you ever want to have a lunch meeting, Darko is also a sushi aficionado.

Marijana | Senior Art Director Injecting fun into brands, daily

If you’re looking for someone with a strong eye for design and bringing a brand to life, then you’re looking for Marijana. As one of our Senior Art Directors, her experience in the agency world has led to award-winning designs and equally as thrilled clients. On any given day, you can find her taking a deep dive into personality-filled designs with a fresh cup of coffee.

Doug | Senior Art Director A Timmies die-hard in an office of Starbucks lovers

Doug is one of our Senior Art Directors. We rely on Doug to keep our ducks in a row and to keep the office supply of sticky notes fully stacked. If you have a project that requires extra attention to detail or has a lot of small moving parts, Doug puts his artistic eye to the job to get it done. On weekends, you can find Doug with his signature Tim Hortons coffee in hand at the hockey rink or at the kickboxing ring.

Danny | Senior Developer Rocks out harder than most

Danny, the kid from Thunder Bay (T-Bay) and the land of Coney Dogs is our Senior Developer. He’s a rare combination of the left-brain and right brain. His half creative and half analytical approach means he’s always coming up with innovative ways to approach website development projects. He’s also a big believer in delivering on promises. Did we mention he can jam out on guitar and build the most epic office playlist? It’s true.

Vanessa | Director of Digital Marketing Easily bribed with tea or a latte

Vanessa (so local to KW she’s never left) is our Digital Marketing Manager. She has a bubbly personality and is often found working on the many parts of a digital campaign or writing clever website content for our clients. She also wrote this content. 10/10, way to go Vanessa!

Cruella Breville | The Barista Espresso Machine If she doesn’t brew it, then nobody will!

Cruella is the Office Barista Espresso Machine. She’s sleek. She’s shiny. She’s only a little bit whiny (when you turn on the milk frother). She’s a crucial team member when it comes to keeping the Dots caffeinated and smiling.